Forms in Excel and Word are quite static. To improve the user experience it would be nice if the command buttons on the forms get a hover effect. This means, for example, that the background color and mouse pointer change when the mouse is moved over them:
This makes the forms more dynamic. However, this is not standard functionality of a command button.
This article presents a very flexible method where a hover effect can be added to all command buttons on a form by adding some lines of code to that form. No further changes need to be made to the form. No other controls need to be added or the like, but a few extra lines of code will suffice.
The hover effect is controlled using two class modules. In the first class module, a reference is made to the relevant form and references are automatically made from this class to all command buttons present on the form. The hover effect mainly uses the MouseMove event of the command buttons and the form.
In order to be able to apply the hover effect, two class modules must first be created (via Insert Class Module). Name the first class module clFormHoverEffect and add the following code:
' Auteur : Manfred van den Noort
' Copyright : © 2020-2024, alle rechten voorbehouden
' Versie : 1.1
' Datum : 2023-10-06
' Doel : Create Button Hover effect
Private WithEvents frmHover As MSForms.UserForm
Private oColButtons As Collection, sHoveredButton As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set oColButtons = New Collection
End Sub
Friend Property Set HoverForm(ByRef oFrm As Object)
Set frmHover = oFrm
End Property
Friend Sub AddButtons()
Dim ctl As Control, oHoverButton As clHoverButton
For Each ctl In frmHover.Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "CommandButton" Then
Set oHoverButton = New clHoverButton
With oHoverButton
Set .ParentForm = Me
Set .HoverButton = ctl
End With
oColButtons.Add oHoverButton, ctl.Name
Set oHoverButton = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub frmHover_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
End Sub
Friend Sub ApplyHoverEffect(ByVal sCtlName As String)
If sHoveredButton = vbNullString Or sHoveredButton <> sCtlName Then
If sHoveredButton <> sCtlName Then RemoveHoverEffect
frmHover.Controls(sCtlName).BackColor = &H85E8FF
sHoveredButton = sCtlName
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub RemoveHoverEffect()
If sHoveredButton <> vbNullString Then
frmHover.Controls(sHoveredButton).BackColor = oColButtons.Item(sHoveredButton).InitialBackColor
sHoveredButton = vbNullString
End If
End Sub
Friend Sub TerminateButtonHover()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To oColButtons.Count
oColButtons.Remove 1
Set oColButtons = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set frmHover = Nothing
End Sub
Name the second class module clHoverButton and add the following code:
' Auteur : Manfred van den Noort
' Copyright : © 2020-2024, alle rechten voorbehouden
' Versie : 1.1
' Datum : 2023-10-06
' Doel : Create Button Hover effect
Private oParentForm As clFormHoverEffect, iInitialBackColor As Long
Private WithEvents oCmdBtn As MSForms.CommandButton
Friend Property Set ParentForm(ByRef oValue As clFormHoverEffect)
Set oParentForm = oValue
End Property
Friend Property Set HoverButton(ByRef oValue As MSForms.CommandButton)
Set oCmdBtn = oValue
End Property
Private Property Let InitialBackColor(ByVal iValue As Long)
iInitialBackColor = iValue
End Property
Public Property Get InitialBackColor() As Long
InitialBackColor = iInitialBackColor
End Property
Friend Sub Initialize()
With oCmdBtn
InitialBackColor = .BackColor
.MousePointer = fmMousePointerCustom
If Len(Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\HandCursor.ico")) Then
.MouseIcon = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\HandCursor.ico")
End If
End With
End Sub
Private Sub oCmdBtn_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub oCmdBtn_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
If Not oCmdBtn.Locked Then
If X > 2 And X < oCmdBtn.Width - 2 And Y > 2 And Y < oCmdBtn.Height - 2 Then
oParentForm.ApplyHoverEffect oCmdBtn.Name
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set oCmdBtn = Nothing
Set oParentForm = Nothing
End Sub
These two class modules control the hover effect of the command buttons. The first class is linked to the form and the second class to the command buttons of the form.
In order for this hover effect to work on a form, the following variable must be declared at the very top of the code screen of a form:
Private oHoverForm As New clFormHoverEffect
Then the following 5 lines must be added to the UserForm_Initialize event:
Set oHoverForm = New clFormHoverEffect
With oHoverForm
Set .HoverForm = Me
End With
And finally the following 2 lines must be added to the UserForm_QueryClose event:
Set oHoverForm = Nothing
So all code behind a form that is needed for the hover effect would look like this:
Private oHoverForm As New clFormHoverEffect
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set oHoverForm = New clFormHoverEffect
With oHoverForm
Set .HoverForm = Me
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
Set oHoverForm = Nothing
End Sub

Questions / suggestions
Hopefully, this article helped you create a button hover effect on a VBA Userform. If you have any questions about this topic or suggestions for improvement, please post a comment below.
This happens when you run:
End Sub
Is it necessary to include additional "References" in "Tools/References"?
I'm using Office for Mac, although this shouldn't be a limitation, because I've done all kinds of VBA macros, without problems.
Thanks in advance
As far as I know, ActiveXControls are not supported on the Mac.
However, the demo does not contain any ActiveX components.
To troubleshoot the problem further, you can set a breakpoint on the first line of the UserForm_Initialize event.
You can then go through the code step by step and see on which line the error occurs.
Set oDicButtons = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
I think scripting.dictionary is not supported on Mac. Are they really necessary?
In web page:
explain a way to make a Dictionary, but I do not know if it is a valid way.
The Dictionary has now been replaced by a Collection.
Now program doesn't crash anymore, but nothing happens, it doesn't change color.
but maybe you can try to disable/remove the following code lines and check if the color then changes:
.MousePointer = fmMousePointerCustom
If Len(Dir(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\HandCursor.ico")) Then
.MouseIcon = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\HandCursor.ico")
End If
Nothing happens, it doesn't change color.
Désolé je parle français
J'ai trouvé votre code et vos explications très intéressantes. Cela me fais progresser.
J'ai modifié la structure des classes pour les adapter à un control Label.
J'aimerais maintenant ajouter d'autres contrôles pour la mise en surbrillance (TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox).
A votre avis faut-il passer par plusieurs classe clHoverButton, ou bien modifier la classe actuelle pour qu'elle différencie chaque contrôle.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour le temps que vous me consacrerais.
'Good morning,
sorry I speak French
I found your code and your explanations very interesting. It makes me progress.
I modified the structure of the classes to adapt them to a Label control.
Now I would like to add more controls for highlighting (TextBox, ComboBox, CheckBox).
In your opinion, should we go through several clHoverButton classes, or modify the current class so that it differentiates each control.
Thank you in advance for the time you devote to me.'
My reaction is:
Both all controls with one class or a separate class for each control are possible.
I haven't looked into it further, but at first glance I think I'd go for a one-class approach.
I think the connection from the form is easier then.
Je vais me pencher sur la modification de la classe.
this is exact what i am searching for because your code is also working on Multipage.
But one question.
Is it also working with rounded buttons style for a more modern version of the UserForm ?
Greets Andy
for example.
I have one let me Say i have Buttons as Pictures.
1. Button Grey with rounded corners
2. Button Blue with rounded corners.
When i hover the Grey button it should change to Blue.
It is similar to your code but my buttons are pictures what will change when i hover.
I hope my explanation is now more clear.
The current code does not work with image controls.
Only real command buttons will get a hover effect.
With images, instead of changing the BackColor, you have to change the picture.
I think that is possible, but then the code needs to be modified in several places.
thanks a lot for your explanation.
Wish you a great day.
1. One of the additions specified here is " the following variable must be declared at the very top of the code screen of a form". I'm not clear on where the code screen of a form is located, i.e. exactly where this line should be inserted.
2. I'm also not clear where to place the 2 lines of code designated for the "UserForm_QueryClose event". My code so far has no such event, and had no class modules at all until I added the two called for in this article. Since the 2 lines include use of "Me", it would seem that these lines must belong in a class module. Let me add that in my program before these additions, the user forms closed without problems when any of their buttons were clicked; each button invoked specific further processing.
Thanks to the author or anyone else for help. I appreciate it is a burden to help complete amateurs.
You can find the code screen of a form by clicking Alt + F11. This will open the VBA editor. Next, you need to click on the respective form and at the top left of the editor you can click on a button to open the form's code screen.
You can see how to apply the code in the downloadable file.