If an application is used by users with different languages, it is nice for the user experience that each user sees the form in his or her own language.
When starting a form, the language of the application must first be checked, after which the form is automatically displayed in the language of the user. If a translation is not available, the default language is shown. After starting up the form, the user has the option to change the language.
To make a form multilingual, a translation table on a separate sheet must first be added to the file. In the VBA editor, call this sheet shTranslations.
Each translation must be given a unique ID.
The language code of the relevant translation must be entered in the column header. This can then be compared with the current language of the application.
Language codes can be looked up on language codes. Different language codes for the same language can be put in the same column separated by an underscrore, The language of the application can be read with: Application.LanguageSettings.LanguageID(msoLanguageIDUI)
Next, on the form, for each control to be translated, the ID of the relevant translation must be placed in the Tag property of the control.
When starting the form, these tags are first automatically read and then the associated controls are provided with the correct translation.
The following code can be used to translate these controls:
' Author: Manfred van den Noort
' Copyright : © 2021 worksheetsvba.com, all rights reserved
' Version : 1.0
' Date : 2022-01-03
' Purpose : MultiLingual Form
Public Sub TranslateForm(oForm As Object, lLangCode As Long)
Dim ctl As Control, lLangColumnNumber As Long, sTranslation As String, i As Long, arr
lLangColumnNumber = GetColumnNumberOfLanguageCode(lLangCode)
If IsNumeric(oForm.Tag) Then
sTranslation = GetTranslation(lLangColumnNumber, oForm.Tag)
If sTranslation <> vbNullString Then
oForm.Caption = sTranslation
End If
End If
For Each ctl In oForm.Controls
Select Case TypeName(ctl)
Case "CommandButton", "Label", "Frame", "CheckBox", "OptionButton", "ToggleButton"
If IsNumeric(ctl.Tag) Then
sTranslation = GetTranslation(lLangColumnNumber, ctl.Tag)
If sTranslation <> vbNullString Then
ctl.Caption = sTranslation
End If
End If
Case "TabStrip"
If ctl.Tag <> vbNullString Then
arr = Split(ctl.Tag, "_")
For i = 0 To ctl.Tabs.Count - 1
If i <= UBound(arr) Then
If IsNumeric(arr(i)) Then
sTranslation = GetTranslation(lLangColumnNumber, CLng(arr(i)))
If sTranslation <> vbNullString Then
ctl.Tabs(i).Caption = sTranslation
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case "MultiPage"
For i = 0 To ctl.Pages.Count - 1
With ctl.Pages(i)
If IsNumeric(.Tag) Then
sTranslation = GetTranslation(lLangColumnNumber, .Tag)
If sTranslation <> vbNullString Then
.Caption = sTranslation
End If
End If
End With
End Select
End Sub
Public Function GetColumnNumberOfLanguageCode(lLangCode As Long) As Long
Dim lColNo As Long, i As Long
lColNo = 2 'default
For i = 2 To shTranslations.UsedRange.Columns.Count
If InStr(shTranslations.Cells(1, i).Value, "_" & lLangCode & "_") Then
lColNo = i
End If
GetColumnNumberOfLanguageCode = lColNo
End Function
Private Function GetTranslation(lLangColumnNumber As Long, iTranslationID As Integer) As String
Dim iTranslationRow As Long
iTranslationRow = Evaluate("iferror(match(" & iTranslationID & ",'" & shTranslations.Name & "'!A:A,0)," & 0 & ")")
If iTranslationRow > 0 Then
GetTranslation = shTranslations.Cells(iTranslationRow, lLangColumnNumber).Value
End If
End Function
Then radio buttons must be added to the form for each language and when the form is started, the language of the application is read.
This code translates most common controls. As mentioned, the translation ID must be stored in the Tag property of the control. If this Tag is currently also being used for something else, the code must be adapted for this. Adjustments are also necessary if the ControlTipText of controls and the Accelerator of a command button are also to be translated/translated. For example, this can be done by putting multiple translation IDs in a Tag, which are separated by a pipe.
An example file can be downloaded below showing the working of a multilingual form. This file contains some English and Dutch sample translations. If a user's language is not found, the English translation is shown by default. Hopefully this file can help you create your own multilingual form.

Questions / suggestions
Hopefully, this article helped you creating a multilingual userform. If you have any questions about this topic or suggestions for improvement, please post a comment below.
thanks for the code and excel file.
Unfortunately, I cannot open the zip file. I used 7zip program to try to open it and didn't work.
Could you please check if your zip file is OK?
Many thanks in advance!
I have tested the download. I unzipped the file and did not face any problem with this file.
I also unzipped the file with 7-Zip and again no problem.
So I think the ZIP file is fine.
thanks for your reply and sorry for not replying sooner.
Apparently the problem was in my computer's 7-zip version. I opened it with Windows Explorer without problems.
Thanks again.
When switching to a language with other characters, it is not enough to just replace the caption text.
Then the font should also change.
In that case the appropriate font should also be added as a parameter to the translation sheet and the code should be changed to also change the font.
The condition is that the font that recognizes Hebrew is also available as a font in a userform.
If I have time, I might add this option in a future update.