change language:

In Excel it is possible to edit multiple wrksheets at the same time. This can be useful for files where, for example, each month is on a separate tab. If the layout of all these tabs has to be changed at the same time or formulas have to be added, this can be done by grouping the relevant tabs in advance. This can be done in two ways. The first way is to select a first tab and then press SHIFT to select a last tab. This will group the first through last tab chosen. The tabs of all grouped tabs turn white and the sheet names are in bold, as shown in the picture below. Here the tabs are grouped from January to December. The TOTAL tab does not belong to this grouping.

edit multiple sheets at once

Another way is to select other tabs with CTRL pressed. Then individual tabs are added to the group, but not the intermediate tabs. With grouped tabs, all changes made in one tab are implemented in all other tabs of this group. This may include changes in layout, entering new data and entering formulas. Please note that if the other tabs already contain data in the relevant cells, this data will be overwritten without warning.

The grouping of the tabs can be ungrouped by choosing another tab that falls outside the grouped tabs or by choosing the 'Ungroup Sheets' option with a left mouse click..

Questions / suggestions

Hopefully this article helped you to edit multiple worksheets at once. If you have any questions about this topic or suggestions for improvement, please post a comment below.
